Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, October 13, 2016

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard


1: Rowling–100 meters (Distance)

“Rowling” is a rowing competition similar to a game of bowling.

Each athlete rows 10 “frames”. The goal for each frame is to stop the meter counter as close to a designated distance as possible. Today’s distance is 100 meters.

For each “frame,” you will need to row 100 meters exactly. At the end of the “frame,” if the counter reads 102m, the score for that frame is 2. The score would be the same if the counter read 98m. If the counter stops on 100m, the score for the frame is 0, and is equivalent to a strike in bowling. The goal is to have the lowest score for each round and the lowest accumulated score for the game.

The rules are as follows:

– You are only allowed full strokes.

– Once you stop rowing, you are done rowing for the frame, and the handle must be put back in the catch before the meter counter comes to a complete stop.

– The winner of the “frame” will pick a body weight movement (i.e. burpees, pull ups, push ups, lunges, jumping squats, air squats, jumping lunges) to be completed by everyone else who did not win the frame. The penalty # for each round will be the sum of the two highest scores in the class for the frame. So, if Donnie scores 9 over and Chad scores 10 over. The penalty will be 19 of whatever Karla (the winner of the frame) chooses.

– The winner of the “game” is the person with the lowest overall score when each frame is added together. The winner of the “game” also may choose a body weight exercise for everybody to complete that is equivalent to the sum of the 2 highest overall scores.

— In the 10th “frame”, if a strike is rowed, a second opportunity is given to row again. If another strike is rowed, the 0 for the 11th row will replace your highest score in any previous round. This can happen twice in the 10th frame, just like in bowling. So essentially if you master your rower by the 10th frame, you have the opportunity to make up for two bad frames.


2: Metcon (No Measure)

20-30 MIN AMRAP:

200 meter run

(1) cargo net climb

15 cal bike

(1) monkey bar pass (down and back)

15 cal ski

20 sledge swings

250 meter row

Coach will determine how long the AMRAP will be based on how long the Rowling game takes.

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