Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit
“I hope it comes down to an all guts race, b/c if it does, I’m the only one that can win” -Pre
1: Bandit Daily Warm up (No Measure)
Run, row, or airdyne
10 Pass Throughs
10 Rotational Dislocates (each side)
Hip Circuit
2: CrossOver Symmetry Iron Scap (No Measure)
3: 1RM Weighted Pullup (Weight)
Strict Pullup, no kipping, max weight
If you can’t do a pullup with weight, just try to do an unweighted pullup. But, we have weights as low as 1#!! So, even if you mark a “1” as your score, do it!
If you can’t do a strict pullup, then do some scapular retractions. 2×10.
4: Metcon (No Measure)
1) 4×20 Shoulder taps
Scale on box if needed.
2) 4 x 10 Band simulated Bar muscle-ups ( medium to heavy)
3) 8 x 3 / 3 Weighted Rope chin-ups, 3 with right hand on top, 3 with left hand on top
4) 5 x 0:10’s L-sit, 15 Hollow rocks, 15 tuck crunch
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