Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, July 21, 2016

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit

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1.1: Ido’s Squat Clinic Routine (No Measure)

1.2: Ido’s Scapula Mobilization Routine (No Measure)


2: Metcon (No Measure)

For efficiency:

50 Hand Plank Cross Knee to Elbow

25 Hanging Knees-to-Chest @ 2011

50 Elbow Jacks

40 Hand Plank Cross Knee to Elbow

20 Hanging Knees-to-Chest @ 2011

40 Elbow Jacks

30 Hand Plank Cross Knee to Elbow

15 Hanging Knees-to-Chest @ 2011

30 Elbow Jacks

Plank Cross Knee to Elbow Demo:

Elbow plank jack demo:

2.2: Metcon (No Measure)

Three sets of;

Single Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps each arm @ 2111

Rest as needed

Banded Pull-Aparts x 30-40 reps

Rest as needed

The post Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, July 21, 2016 appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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