Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, December 4, 2014

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, December 4, 2014

Main – CrossFit

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Don’t forget general Bandit warmup

1: Crossover Symmetry (No Measure)


2: Small (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:
1000m Row
50 Burpees
50 Box Jumps, 24″
800m Run
This is a Hero WOD named after US Army Staff Sergeant Marc Small. Read more about how he died serving our country here:

Also, you have one hour to do this work. It is ok if you don’t finish. Check out the link above and see some of the top CrossFitters in the world have times ranging from 41-51 minutes (back in 2011).

The clock will be started right at the beginining of class. Your time cap is 60 minutes. Add a one second penalty for each rep you don’t get to. The row and the run only count as one second each.

If not enough rowers, some of you can just switch the order of the row and the run.

The post Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, December 4, 2014 appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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