Bandit CrossFit WOD–Friday, October 10, 2014

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Friday, October 10, 2014

Main – CrossFit

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1: Crossover Symmetry (No Measure)

2: Double Under 5 Min AMRAP (AMRAP – Reps)

Do as many Double Unders as you can in 5 minutes.

3: Reverse Hypers (3×12, HAP)


4: Deadlift (5×5 @ 70%)


5: Metcon (12 Rounds for reps)

12 Rounds:

30 sec ME C2B Pullups

30 sec ME OHS (115/75)

60 sec rest

Extra Work

Only to be done before or after class, or on your own.

6: Metcon (No Measure)

6a: Bench Press: 5 sets of 2, 90% of heavy 2 rep for all sets across, rest 60 sec

6b: Weighted Pullups: 5×5, same weight sets across, rest 60 sec

The post Bandit CrossFit WOD–Friday, October 10, 2014 appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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