2014 Pensacola Beach Brawl: Kayli White, All-Female Scaled Team

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
2014 Pensacola Beach Brawl: Kayli White, All-Female Scaled Team

Kayli White runs cross country, track, and plays basketball for d’Iberville High School. This weekend, she will add another sport to her list as a CrossFit athlete representing Bandit CrossFit at the Pensacola Beach Brawl. Kayli started CrossFit with us because she wanted to get stronger and faster as a runner and basketball player. Over the past several months, Kayli has done just that.

Kayli is a dream athlete and has the determination and work ethic that every coach desires in their athletes. These qualities make her a valuable asset to her cross country, track and basketball teams. You’ll often find Kayli in the gym working on new skills and mobility on her own. We don’t have to tell or force Kayli to train. She is willing and able to do whatever it takes to reach her full potential.

Kayli has made dramatic improvements in her strength over the past few months. She’s using this strength and confidence to propel herself to new heights in achieving her athletic goals, and to step outside of her comfort zone and compete in the scaled team division, amongst grown women, at the Beach Brawl. Kayli’s team is composed of three other Bandit Teen Athletes: Brooke Trochesset (junior), Casey Ferguson (sophomore), and Gracie Ferguson (8th grade.) I’m willing to bet they are by far the youngest team competing. This is quite the accomplishment in itself, and we can’t wait to watch these young ladies go to work in the competition. Not only is Kayli an inspiration to her fellow Bandits, but she inspires her coaches with her positive attitude and hard-working mindset. We are very proud to call her a Bandit. More about Kayli:

How long have you been doing CrossFit.
I’ve been doing CrossFit for 8 months. Starting crossFit was actually my birthday present from my parents.

Is this your first CrossFit competition?
Yes, this is my first CrossFit competition.

Why did you choose to the do the Beach Brawl?
I chose to do the Beach Brawl because I thought it would be a good experience.

Why do you want to do CrossFit competitions?
I wanted to try something different than cross country races.

What are your goals in the Beach Brawl competition?
I would like to set a PR (personal record) for my clean.

What movement do you hope to see?
I hope to see some running or agility in the workouts.

What movement do you not want to see?
I’m not as good at weights as I’d like to be, so I hope they don’t put anymore weights in.

Why do you do CrossFit? What do you like most about it?
I do CrossFit because it’s more fun doing a workout and having other people around you doing the same thing. I’m a very competitive person, so seeing the people around me working hard makes me want to work even harder. The part I like most about CrossFit is that it continuously challenges me to work harder and get better.

Why Bandit CrossFit?
I chose Bandit CrossFit because they’re like one big family. Over the past 8 months I’ve built a bond with my coaches and teammates that really makes training fun. You want to come in every day after school and train with them or encourage them to try their hardest.

Our Bandit Teens mean business when it comes to training. Kayli and her Beach Brawl team have been working hard to practice for the competition almost every day after school and their school sports practices. In a typical day, Kayli has basketball during school, then cross country after school. Then she does CrossFit. (l-r, Gracie Ferguson, Brooke Trochesset, Kayli White, Casey Ferguson)

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